How To Have A Good Experience On Russian Trains
Are you looking for guidance on how to book a train ticket in Russia without spending additional fees? Do you want to explore Russia by train or just look for transportation between Moscow and St. Petersburg? Here are few tips you should now before choosing the…
Six One Day Trips In Belgium And Its Border Cities
When traveling on a budget, you often want to see the most for less money. Day trips seem ideal since you don’t have to pay for accommodation. Belgium is a great country to explore for relatively low transport costs. If you stay here for a…
8 Cool Things To Do In Brussels
As a student of international affairs and former Erasmus student in Liège (Belgium), I had the chance to explore Brussels more than once. Here a list with tips on Things To Do In Brussels. Below find the map with all mentioned locations. 1. Visit Mini-Europe Mini-Europe…
Ultimate Guide For Erasmus Students In Liège
This post is for all of you students coming to Liege, Belgium for your Erasmus. All of the information you find in this guide are based on tips from former Erasmus students or from my experiences from my Erasmus semester in Liege last autumn 2014/15….