Disclaimer & Privacy Policy

This page will help you to understand how to use the content on kubasjourneys.com, what kind of information is being collected about you and why.

Terms of Use

All the content on kubasjourneys.com has been thoroughly researched or is based on my personal experience or opinions. However note, that I am not perfect and it is not possible to keep all of the content always up to date, although I try my best.

The information that you will find on this site shall be used for informational purposes only. I am not providing any investment or legal advice. Your interpretation of my content is at your own risk. I am happy if my content will help you to save money while traveling or earn money online, however, I can not guarantee any outcomes.

I am not responsible for the accuracy and completeness of any information on this site or information found by following any link to external sites. I am not liable for any errors, losses, injuries or damages from the display or use of the information provided on kubasjourneys.com

If you want to point out some errors or inaccurate information, please let me know.

Copyright Policy

All of the content of this blog is covered by copyright and cannot be used without my (Jakub Krejci, author of kubasjourneys.com) written permission.

Privacy Policy

I do not collect any personal data about you or any other visitors of kubasjourneys.com. If you decide to leave a comment on one of my blog post or send me an email, I can view your email address and name, which is stored and encrypted in my content management system or on the server of my email provider. I do not share your email or name with any other third-parties.

You can request to delete all data, connected to your person via kuba(at)kubasjourney.com

Google Analytics

Your visit to my blog is being logged via the Google Analytics cookie. This tool helps me better understand how users consume my content, what pages they view and how long they stay on my site.

The purpose of Google Analytics is to better understand my audience and provide more related content.

Your IP address is anonymized, so Google Analytics cannot tell the exact location of your device that you use to view my site. The only geographic data Google Analytics uses is the country from which the user views the content.

If you do not wish that your visit is being logged by Google Analytics, you can turn it off by modifying your settings in your internet browser or opt out via this Google extension.

Reserve Rights

I reserve the right to edit or delete any content or comments that are not relevant or disrespectful without any notice.

Affiliate disclaimer

Some of the links on kubasjourneys.com lead to affiliate partners. This means that in case you click on the affiliate link and purchase a product I will receive a small commission that helps run this blog.

The affiliate link does not increase the price of the product. Many times I can negotiate a better deal for my users which means that with my link you can often get a discount or cashback from your purchase Win/Win.

All of the affiliate links are either to related products that I might find useful or to products I actually use myself.

If you appreciate the time and effort I put into writing helpful articles - which you can use for free -, you can thank me with using one of my links.

How to get in touch with me

Should you have any questions or concerns about this disclaimer or any other matter regarding this site, please email me at kuba(at)kubasjourneys.com or fill out the contact form.