My story - Who am I and why should you care?

Hi there!

My name is Jakub but my friends call me Kuba. Not because I am from Cuba… but it's the common nickname for Jacob.


In this post, you’ll understand my story - from a teenager who was working hard to save money to a full-time digital nomad. Believe it or not - I now earn enough money to sustain my lifestyle and invest in my future.


Sounds good? You should know that I believe that with the right mindset, you can achieve pretty much anything.

Let’s start from the beginning - remember that part when I said I used to work a lot as a teenager?

The early days

I moved a lot since I was a kid and at the age of 16 I started working in a grocery store, where I worked for the next two years while pursuing my economic studies.

When I turned 18 I had 3.000 EUR in cash and I did not know what to do with it.


…I know, you would like to have that problem too. #firstworldproblems


I decided to fulfill my childhood dream and go to experience high school in the United States of America.


It was my first trip overseas and it changed my life.


From that point on there was not one year where I would not spend at least a few months outside my base in Austria. During my time in college, I did my Erasmus exchange semester in Belgium and four months internship in Russia.


My parents haven’t had the money to support my travels so I had to work to finance my trips.


I invested my savings in education and travels rather than buying expensive clothes, cars and taking a mortgage to buy a house.


I washed cars, worked at amusement parks, sold suits and sports shoes. I always valued any work opportunity that I came across my path.


The early days

I moved a lot since I was a kid and at the age of 16 I started working in a grocery store, where I worked for the next two years while pursuing my economic studies.

When I turned 18 I had 3.000 EUR in cash and I did not know what to do with it.


…I know, you would like to have that problem too. #firstworldproblems


I decided to fulfill my childhood dream and go to experience high school in the United States of America.


It was my first trip overseas and it changed my life.


From that point on there was not one year where I would not spend at least a few months outside my base in Austria. During my time in college, I did my Erasmus exchange semester in Belgium and four months internship in Russia.


My parents haven’t had the money to support my travels so I had to work to finance my trips.


I invested my savings in education and travels rather than buying expensive clothes, cars and taking a mortgage to buy a house.


I washed cars, worked at amusement parks, sold suits and sports shoes. I always valued any work opportunity that I came across my path.


Getting a “real” job

When I finished my bachelor degree in international business affairs I got recruited for an international IT company in Prague to work for the Austrian market. For someone who had no plans after college, it made sense to take the job. I could use my language skills as well as my knowledge of sales and economics.


It turned out that a corporate job is not really anything I would love to do long-term. Spending the whole day in an office, cold calling companies to sell IT hardware and doing boring admin work is just NOT FUN.


Between a cubicle or the globe, it’s an easy pick, isn’t it?


I was stressed out from unreachable sales targets and I started feeling depressed. Furthermore my boss had no idea about how to motivate and lead people.


Sounds familiar? Keep reading.


Getting a “real” job

When I finished my bachelor degree in international business affairs I got recruited for an international IT company in Prague to work for the Austrian market. For someone who had no plans after college, it made sense to take the job. I could use my language skills as well as my knowledge of sales and economics.


It turned out that a corporate job is not really anything I would love to do long-term. Spending the whole day in an office, cold calling companies to sell IT hardware and doing boring admin work is just NOT FUN.


Between a cubicle or the globe, it’s an easy pick, isn’t it?


I was stressed out from unreachable sales targets and I started feeling depressed. Furthermore my boss had no idea about how to motivate and lead people.


Sounds familiar? Keep reading.


The turning point

It took me seven months and I resigned without having a backup plan. I was always interested in Online Marketing and I started looking for opportunities that would allow me to work from anywhere. Few weeks in and I started working with a Marketing Agency as a Junior PPC consultant.


I taught myself everything I could about setting up and managing Google Ads Campaigns.


..You know, those annoying ads that pop-up in Google on the first positions. I was the guy who had to make sure they were relevant.


Just a few months in and I was able to set up huge campaigns for international clients in Europe.


Months passed by and I came across the opportunity to build up a finance site in Germany. The idea sounded great and I went full in mid-2017.


The turning point

It took me seven months and I resigned without having a backup plan. I was always interested in Online Marketing and I started looking for opportunities that would allow me to work from anywhere. Few weeks in and I started working with a Marketing Agency as a Junior PPC consultant.


I taught myself everything I could about setting up and managing Google Ads Campaigns.


..You know, those annoying ads that pop-up in Google on the first positions. I was the guy who had to make sure they were relevant.


Just a few months in and I was able to set up huge campaigns for international clients in Europe.


Months passed by and I came across the opportunity to build up a finance site in Germany. The idea sounded great and I went full in mid-2017.


The first world trip

While working at the corporate job I dreamed of making a trip around the globe before I turn 30 years old.


At that point, I was 24 and I decided to leave my life in Europe to go traveling while working online. In the next 13 months, I traveled to the US, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Taiwan, and Turkey.


I ended my first world trip at 25 years old while earning enough money to finance my travels and invest at the same time.

September 2017

The first world trip

While working at the corporate job I dreamed of making a trip around the globe before I turn 30 years old.


At that point, I was 24 and I decided to leave my life in Europe to go traveling while working online. In the next 13 months, I traveled to the US, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Taiwan, and Turkey.


I ended my first world trip at 25 years old while earning enough money to finance my travels and invest at the same time.

September 2017

How I became a “finance guy”

In the last two years, I learned more about myself, marketing and finance than during all my time in school.

I am diving deep into topics related to personal economy and write articles about it. They reach thousands of readers every month.


When I meet fellow Digital Nomads while traveling they know me as the “finance guy”.


My articles about finance had been published on the biggest media outlets in Germany.

  • Defining the credit exchange on, one of the biggest finance sites in Germany
  • Giving tips about how you can save up money so you can invest on
  • Talking about the location independent work on


Now I am 25 years old and I’m spending the winter in Thailand, working, traveling, eating good Thai food and enjoying the sunsets on the beach.


Sound like the dream? Well, it is. But, I’m also working a lot – it’s still “life”. Although, it’s better to be surrounded by palm trees than being cold in Europe.


How I became a “finance guy”

In the last two years, I learned more about myself, marketing and finance than during all my time in school.

I am diving deep into topics related to personal economy and write articles about it. They reach thousands of readers every month.


When I meet fellow Digital Nomads while traveling they know me as the “finance guy”.


My articles about finance had been published on the biggest media outlets in Germany.

  • Defining the credit exchange on, one of the biggest finance sites in Germany
  • Giving tips about how you can save up money so you can invest on
  • Talking about the location independent work on


Now I am 25 years old and I’m spending the winter in Thailand, working, traveling, eating good Thai food and enjoying the sunsets on the beach.


Sound like the dream? Well, it is. But, I’m also working a lot – it’s still “life”. Although, it’s better to be surrounded by palm trees than being cold in Europe.


On I am sharing some of my knowledge with you. You can read about my travels, my life as a digital nomad, independent from time and location.

I am also sharing some of my investment strategies that help me earn hundreds of Euros every year.

My goal is simple - I want to help you invest in your future by sharing all my statistics and strategies with you. I’ve done the research, you can enjoy the results.

The aim of this blog is to educate you as well as inspire you to follow your passion and reach your goals - whatever they are.

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to fulfill your dreams without having to worry too much about your personal finances? Investing early on in life is a great way to ensure your future while generating passive income.

Want to chat? Get in touch!